lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Apps of the week:

Here is the three new apps of the week. This week Sandbox!

The first app is Terraria $4.99, Terraria is a game were you start with only a pickaxe, a axe, and a sword. With that you have to mine, destroy, and survive day and night monsters and bosses. You can build houses for npc and find TREASURE!

I would  give it 9 gold coins  out of 10 gold coins

The second app is Minecraft $6.99, Minecraft is a game were you can let your imagination flow in seconds. You can choose from survival or creative and if you want it with borders or infinity! Is a game from the pc converted  to an app.

I would give it 10 grass blocks out of 10 grass blocks.

The last app is Blockheads Free!, Blockheads is like a generic game of Terraria only that is more complicated. You start with a shovel and you have to build a home. There's wolfs and sharks and there's no more bad guys.

I would give it 7 portals out of 10 portals.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi my name Gamer4Life. This blog is very good at explaining applications of the smartphones and help me on chosing the best aplication for my phone. The entrie that I liked the most was the video. The color of the blog is nice. A question i have is: what i your favorite app and why do you like it.

    1. I like the game Terraria it doesn't have great graphics but is a nice gameplay.
